Management team
Roche Diagnostics Canada (2003-2010)
Engineer McGill University, CNRC and CNRS
Molecular biology, enzyme production
and expression of enzymes
Engineer in Agronomy,
Director of Research at CNRS
Biochemistry of algae and associated bacteria
Humboldt Foundation
Engineer in Agronomy,
Professor Emeritus at Sorbonne University
Director of the UMR CNRS-Goëmar (1999-2003)
then of the Roscoff Biological Station (2004-2018)
Biology and biochemistry of algae
Correspondent of the Academy of Sciences
University Diploma
Nutraceuticals and metabolic diseases
Founder of NutriCosme (2020 – …) Consulting company whose main mission is to support companies in the development of high value-added active ingredients for nutraceutical, nutricosmetic and cosmetic applications.
Innovation Engineer – Robertet Group (2014-2020)
Engineer in Product Development & Innovation
Hitex (2006-2014)
Master Engineer – Nutraceuticals, Rennes 1 University.
Master Degree – Projet management in develoment of pharmaceutical and nutrition products, Clermont-Ferrand University.
Research & Development
BTS Bioanalysis and Controls (2016-2018)
Professional License in Biotechnological Innovations
and Biotechnological Platforms (2019)
R&D Laboratory Technician, Lactalis
and HTL Biotechnology
Production, extraction and purification of biopolymers
Engineering diploma in microbiology and quality
in the food industry at ESIAB (2019-2022)
Double master degree in fundamental
and applied microbiology (2019-2022)
Microbiologist and biochemist of algae
(Roscoff Biological Station 2022)
PhD Student
PhD in marine biology, specialization in algal biotechnology and chemistry
Master’s degree in biotechnology, Univ. Bretagne Sud (2010-2012)
PhD – Enzyme assisted extraction of green algae, Univ. Bretagne Sud-Groupe Olmix (2012-2015)
Glycobiology in brown seaweed, CNRS-Station biologique de Roscoff (2015-2018)
Develop « green » process for invasive seaweed value, Univ. Bretagne Sud (2019-2023)
Student in Marine Biotechnology
Bachelor Degree – Marine Biotechnology, ISFFEL (2024)
Bachelor Degree – Food Safety, ISFFEL (2023)
Technical Degree ANABIOTEC, Redon (2023)